ENADANADH improves cognitive impairment of Alzheimer patients

ENADANADH improves cognitive impairment of Alzheimer patients Although significant progress has been achieved in revealing the etiology of AD, the search for efficient therapy stays the main goal. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) is biologically identified as a cofactor necessary for a number of cellular actions, such as energy production, cell regulation and DNA repair, enhancement…

Effectiveness of nadh in alleviating effects of acute sleep deprivation

Effectiveness_of_nadh_in Alleviating_Effects_of_Acute_Sleep_Deprivation INTRODUCTION Chronic sleep deprivation is very common in the general population, leading to well-described difficulties in concentration and cognitive performance and increases in irritability and malaise, among other symptoms (1). Acute sleep deprivation, when an individual must forgo most or all of a night’s sleep can also lead to immediate daytime consequences. Ta…

Treatment of AD with Stabilized Oral NADH: Preliminary Findings

050617_Neurology Article Georgetown ENADA study MS # 200 000 128 Treatment of AD with Stabilized Oral NADH: Preliminary Findings G.G. Kay, PhD, V. N. Starbuck, PhD and S. L. Cohan, MD, PhD Department of Neurology, Georgetown University School of Medicine Acknowledgements: Supported by a grant from the Menuco Corporation. Keywords: Alzheimer’s Disease, cognitive function, memory,…

Die Wirkung von oralem NADH bei Symptomen des Chronischen Müdigkeitssyndroms

1_Die wirkung von oralem NADH bei CFS   Das chronische Müdigkeitssyndrom, auf Englisch “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” (abgekürzt”CFS”)istcharakterisiertdurch eine Kombination von verschiedenen Symptomen, welche nicht unbedingt miteinander in Beziehung stehen. Das Zentrum für Krankheitskontrolle (Centers for Disease Control CDS, Department of Health andHuman Services,USA) hat die diagnostischen Kriterien für das ChronischeMüdigkeitssyndrom definiert. Wichtigstes Charakteristikum ist eine…